Did you know that you can customise your Community's colours yourself in the Console. Check out our guide below.
Here at Disciple we know that your branding is extremely important to you and your Community. The best way to represent and really show off this branding is in your colour choices. The colours tab on the Branding page is a great tool to remotely change the colours of your Community at any time and take control of your branding.
Remember that the colours you publish here will be reflected on your live Community and go live soon after, so make sure that you are happy with the choices you make.
Let's Begin:
To access the colours tab go into your Console, head to Configure and select the Branding page from your left hand navigation.
Once on the Branding page you will land on the Colours tab.
On the Colours tab you have the ability to choose your colour either through a selection of 6 defined themes, a choice of four basic colours or what we are calling Advanced Mode.
If you decide that you would like to use one of the presets then all you need to do is select the one you like and press Publish. The presets will be published to your Community within approximately 10 minutes.
Basic Colours:
If you want some more control over your branding in comparison to the themes, then you have the option to customise four different colours: Post theme, background, text and buttons.
To change the post theme you just need to select the drop down menu and choose between light and dark. This changes the colour of your postcard on your Community between black and white.
To change background, text and buttons all you need to do is select the colour and you’ll see the colour picker. From here you can select a custom colour for the palette or enter the colours HEX, RGB or HSL code.
Background: This changes the background colour of your Community. For example the background of the Activity Feed.
Text: This changes the colour of the text within your Community. For example the text on a Post.
Button: This changes the colour of the buttons in your Community. For example the Like and Comment icon on a Post.
Advanced Mode:
If you want to take a more detailed approach to your colours then you also have the option to turn on Advanced Mode. This splits the colours out into 11 individual colours to give a greater control over the appearance of your Community and create the exact look that you want.
Selecting colours in advanced mode works in the same way, you select the colour and see the colour picker where you can choose from the palette or enter the colours HEX, RGB or HSL code.
Post Background: This changes the colour of the Post background
Post Text: This changes the colour of the text on a Post.
Secondary Text: This changes the colour of the information text on a Post. For example the number of likes a Post has received.
Background: This changes the background colour of your Community. For example the background colour of a Group.
Header Background: This changes the colour of the header bar on the top of your Community.
Header Text: This changes the colour of the text in the header. For example your Community name.
Background Text: This changes the colour of the text that sits upon the background. For example the Activity Feed title.
Secondary Background Text: This changes the colour of secondary text that sits upon the background. For example the Privacy Policy link text on the Web.
Header Buttons: This changes the colour of active buttons in the header or the navigation bar. For example the colour of the Home icon when it is active.
Post Buttons: This changes the colour of buttons on a Post. For example the link button on a Post.
Background Buttons: This changes the colour of items that are directly on top of the background. For example the All, Photos and Video tabs in the Folders.
So there you have it, enjoy putting your own mark on your platform. Just please DON'T FORGET to click PUBLISH once you're done!